Monday, October 8, 2007

Yes!!! She's back...

Me and My dear sis Zoe
Yes! Yes! Yes! She's back...
That's right, my dear sis is coming back to Malaysia this end of the year...
Wow, just feeling so happy to have her back...

Yesterday, while was chatting with her through msn...I ask for her phone number so that i can msg or call her whenever i want...
Who knows?!
She called me...walao, my heart is so "kan cheong" when i receive the call...
The voice that i missed so much had return to my ears again...Great!!!
Haha, things went smoothly and we talk, we laugh through the phone...
who knows?! My stupid phone out of batt...(celaka betul)
So sad that we can only talk for jus a while, but its already satisfied me, my ears, my heart and everything la...
Anyway, If your reading my blog now my dear sis, i hope your fine and stay healthy while your there...
For christ sake, may "Kuan Yin Ma" bless u all the best ya...
Just can't wait for the day to come - 18th of December...
I'll be waiting for u my dear sis...
Love ya Always,
From ur dearest and annoying "didi",

Take care ya...

1 comment:

Zoe said...

Dear Han,
I am so touch when reading this blog. Never think my return means so much to somebody. Hehe! I miss you much as well. You need to take care always so that I would see a healthy and sunshine young charming boy when I back. I miss Malaysia a lot. Hope to see you soon and then we can "yam cha" again lo.. ;) Love ya always...